Results aggregation tool
With the Results Aggregation Tool you can quickly aggregate the results over the entire simulation (or a part of it), using preset outputs and styling.
Running the tool produces temporary layers. If you want to save the output export the layers as a GeoPackage by clicking
. To save the styling with your GeoPackage right-click the temporary layer > Styles > Copy Style > All Style Categories. Paste the styling by right-clicking the GeoPackage-layer > Styles > Paste Style > All Style Categories. Save the styling to the GeoPackage, by making it the default styling. Go to the Layer Properties by double clicking the layer > Symbology > Style (at the bottom) > Save as Default > Save default styling to Datasource Database). Whenever you add this GeoPackage to your Modeller Interface at a later time it will automatically load with this styling.
3Di result: Select the 3Di results you want to run you aggregation on. From the drop-down menu you can select any set of results you have loaded with the Loading simulation results. Preset: From the drop-down menu you can choose to select a preset. This is optional and can be left to ‘(no preset selected)’ if so desired. You can choose from the following presets:
Maximum water level calculates the maximum water level for nodes and cells within the chosen time filter.
Change in water level calculates the difference in water level (last - first). The NULL values in the cell (when the cell is dry) are replaced by the cells lowest pixel elevation (z_coordinate).
Source or sink (mm) calculates by how many milimeters a node or cell is a net source or sink. A positive result indicates a source. A negative result indicates a sink.
Flow pattern generates a flow pattern map. The aggregation calculates total outflow per node in x and y-directions, resampled to grid_space. In the styling that is applied, the shade of blue and the rotation of the arrows are based on the resultant of these two.
Timestep reduction analysis calculates the percentage of time that the flow through each flowline limits the calculation timestep to below 1, 3 or 5 seconds. The styling highlights the flowlines that have a timestep of:
< 1 second 10% of the time and/or
< 3 seconds 50% of the time and/or
< 5 seconds 80% of the time
Water on street duration (0D1D) calculates the time [s] that the water level in manholes exceeds the drain level. In 3Di models without 2D, this is the level at which water flows onto the street (i.e., where the storage area changes from what is specified at the connection node to what is specified as manhole storage area in the global settings). See also Notes for modellers.
Water on street duration (1D2D) calculates the time [s] that the water level in manholes exceeds the 1D2D exchange level. In 3Di models with 2D, this is the level at which water flows onto the street. The exchange level is the maximum of two values: the drain level specified for the manhole, or the bottom level (lowest pixel) of the 2D cell the manhole is in. See also Notes for modellers.
Extent gives you the option to limit the analysis for only a part of your model. This can be done by defining a bounding box (this can be calculated from a Layer, Layout Map or Bookmark). Additionally you can set the map canvas as the bounding box. By default the entire model is taken into account.
Temporal gives you the option to limit the analysis for only a part of the simulation defined by the start and end time (e.g. the first hour). By default the full simulation is taken into account.
Type gives you the option to only look at manhole nodes. When unchecked it takes all nodes into account. This is automatically checked for the Duration water on street presets.
Variables: Select the desired variable from the drop-down menu. If you’ve select a Preset in the Input-tab the required variables are automatically added.
Flowline: Discharge
Flowline: Velocity
Flowline: Wet cross-sectional area
Flowline: Discharge in interflow layer
Flowline: Velocity in interflow layer
Flowline: Max. possible timestep
Flowline: Water level gradient
Flowline: Bed level gradient
Flowline: Water level at cross-section
Node: Water level
Node: Volume
Node: Rain intensity
Node: Rain depth
Node: Infiltration rate
Node: Infiltration rate per m2
Node: Wet surface area
Node: Flow velocity at cell center
Node: Flow velocity in x-direction at cell center
Node: Flow velocity in y-direction at cell center
Node: Lateral discharge
Node: Lateral discharge per m2
Node: Intercepted volume
Node: Intercepted volume per m2
Node: Surface sources and sinks discharge
Node: Surface sources and sinks discharge per m2
Node: Node inflow in x-direction
Node: Node inflow in x-direction per m2
Node: Node inflow in y-direction
Node: Node inflow in y-direction per m2
Node: Node outflow in x-direction
Node: Node outflow in x-direction per m2
Node: Node outflow in y-direction
Node: Node outflow in y-direction per m2
Direction: Select the desired direction for the analysis, choosing from: net, positive, negative or absolute. For some variables this is greyed out (e.g. Node: Water level).
Method: Select the required aggregation method:
Sum: cumulative value over all timesteps
Max: maximum value over all timesteps
Time to max: the time it takes to reach the maximum value
Min: minimum value over all timesteps
Mean: mean value over all timesteps
Median: median value over all timesteps
First: First value
First non-empty: first actual value. When a node is dry, it has the value NULL. When a node receives water, this changes and become the first non-empty value.
Last: Last value
Last non-empty: last actual value. When a node/flowline is dry, it has the value NULL. When a node/flowline receives water, this changes. The last non-empty value is the last value in a node or flowline with any non-NULL value.
Percentage of time above threshold: the percentage of time that a value is above the defined threshold.
Percentage of time below threshold: the percentage of time that a value is below the defined threshold.
Time above threshold: the time that a value is above the defined threshold.
Threshold: Determine the threshold that is taken into account with the aggregation that used a threshold.
Units: The units that correspond to the selected variable and associated aggregation method are automatically updated.
With the ‘+’ and ‘-’ buttons at the top right, you can add or remove variables.
Outputs and styling
For every output you can determine the way the output should be styled once the aggregation is complete. The results of the aggregation is a table with the result(s) of the aggregation added in one or more attributes (“Field”). A distinction is made between Flowlines, Cells, Nodse and Rasters. You can change the name of the output layer is desired. For the nodes and rasters you can include a resolution.