1D Objects
1D objects are used to schematise 1D networks. The way flow is calculated in these 1D networks is described in the section 1D Flow.
1D Boundary Condition
Boundary condition for 1D connection nodes.
Attribute alias |
Field name |
Type |
Mandatory |
Units |
Description |
ID |
id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
Unique identifier |
Connection node ID |
connection_node_id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
ID of the connection node to place the 1D boundary condition on |
Boundary type |
boundary_type |
integer |
Yes |
- |
Sets the type to water level (1), velocity (2), discharge (3) or Sommerfeld (5). See Notes for modellers for details. |
Time series |
timeseries |
text |
Yes |
[minutes since start of simulation],[m | m/s | m³/s]. See Notes for modellers for details. |
Timeseries of water levels, flow velocities, discharges or water level gradients to be forced on the model boundary |
Notes for modellers
General notes
1D boundary conditions can only be applied to connection nodes that have a single connection to the rest of the network.
The pipe, channel, or structure directly connected to the boundary condition must have calculation type isolated.
1D boundary conditions cannot be placed on the same connection node as a pump station.
1D laterals placed on a connection node with a 1D boundary condition will be ignored.
Surfaces and impervious surfaces mapped to a connection node with a 1D boundary condition will be ignored.
Time series
Format the time series as Comma Separated Values (CSV), with the time (in minutes since the start of the simulation) in the first column and the value (units dependent on the boundary type) in the second column. For example:
The time series string cannot contain any spaces or empty rows
The boundary condition time series is stored in the simulation template and is not part of the 3Di model itself. It can be overridden when starting a new simulation, without the need to create a new revision of the schematisation.
The time unit in the 1D boundary condition table in the schematisation is minutes, while the 3Di API expects this input in seconds. A conversion is applied when the reading the data from the schematisation. If you upload a CSV file with 1D boundary condition time series via the simulation wizard, you can choose the time unit (see Boundary conditions)
For boundary types velocity (2), discharge (3) and Sommerfeld (5), the drawing direction of the channel, pipe, or structure determines sign of the input value. For velocity and discharge, this means that if the 1D boundary condition is placed on the end connection node, positive values result in boundary outflow. For the Sommerfeld boundary, a positive gradient for a 1D boundary condition that is placed at the end connection node means that the waterlevel downstream is higher than upstream, i.e. this will result in boundary inflow.
The time series must cover the entire simulation period.
The time series values are interpolated between the defined times
In case of multiple boundaries in 1 model: make sure they all have the same number of timeseries rows with the same temporal interval.
When editing the time series field in using SQL (sqlite dialect), use
as line separator. The example time series shown above would look like this:"0,145.20"||char(10)||"15,145.23"||char(10)||"30,145.35"||char(10)||"45,145.38"||char(10)||"60,145.15"
1D Lateral
Defines a lateral discharge (source or sink term) for the 1D domain
Attribute alias |
Field name |
Type |
Mandatory |
Units |
Description |
ID |
id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
Unique identifier |
Connection node ID |
connection_node_id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
ID of the connection node on which the 1D lateral should be placed |
Time series |
timeseries |
text |
Yes |
[minutes since start of simulation],[m³/s]. See Notes for modellers for details. |
Timeseries of lateral discharges to be added to the specified location |
Notes for modellers
1D laterals placed on a connection node with a 1D boundary condition will be ignored.
Time series
Format the time series as Comma Separated Values (CSV), with the time (in minutes since the start of the simulation) in the first column and the value (m³/s) in the second column. For example:
The time series string cannot contain any spaces or empty rows
The lateral time series is stored in the simulation template and is not part of the 3Di model itself. It can be overridden when starting a new simulation, without the need to create a new revision of the schematisation.
The time unit in the 1D lateral table in the schematisation is minutes, while the 3Di API expects this input in seconds. A conversion is applied when the reading the data from the schematisation. If you upload a CSV file with 1D lateral time series via the simulation wizard, the time units are seconds (see Laterals)
Positive values represent a source (water is added to the node), negative values represent a sink (water is extracted from the node to the extent that this water is available in the node)
The time series does not need to cover the entire simulation period.
The time series values are interpolated between the defined times
When editing the time series field in using SQL (sqlite dialect), use
as line separator. The example time series shown above would look like this:"0,0.2"||char(10)||"15,10.0"||char(10)||"30,20.0"||char(10)||"45,7.5"||char(10)||"60,0.0"
A natural or artificial open channel. Channels can have a variable bed level, bed friction and cross section along their length. This information is stored in another object, the Cross-section location. A channel can have one or more cross-section locations, depending on the variability of the channel.
See Channels, culverts and pipes for more details.
Linestring (two or more vertices)
Attribute alias |
Field name |
Type |
Mandatory |
Units |
Description |
ID |
id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
Unique identifier |
Calculation type |
calculation_type |
integer |
Yes |
- |
Sets the 1D2D exchange type: embedded (100), isolated (101), connected (102), or double connected (105). See Calculation types. |
Code |
code |
text |
No |
- |
Name field, no constraints |
Display name |
display_name |
text |
No |
- |
Name field, no constraints |
Distance between calculation points |
dist_calc_points |
decimal number |
No |
m |
Maximum distance between calculation points, see Calculation point distance |
End connection node ID |
connection_node_end_id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
ID of end connection node |
Start connection node ID |
connection_node_start_id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
ID of start connection node |
Zoom category |
zoom_category |
integer |
No |
- |
Deprecated |
Exchange thickness |
exchange_thickness |
decimal number |
No |
m |
The thickness of the porous layer that the water needs to flow through to reach the groundwater, see Exchange between 1D and groundwater |
Hydraulic conductivity in |
hydraulic_conductivity_in |
decimal number |
No |
- |
Hydraulic conductivity for water flowing from the groundwater to the channel, see Exchange between 1D and groundwater |
Hydraulic conductivity out |
hydraulic_conductivity_out |
decimal number |
No |
- |
Hydraulic conductivity for water flowing from the channel to the groundwater, see Exchange between 1D and groundwater |
When using the 3Di Schematisation Editor
The Connection nodes and a Cross-section location are added automatically.
Do not forget to fill in the required feature attributes for the Cross-section location.
Notes for modellers
Use 1D channels wisely. In many applications, schematising waterways in 2D is preferable. See Channels, culverts and pipes and Calculation types.
All channels must have at least one Cross-section location.
Calculation type ‘embedded’
Embedded channels add extra connections between 2D grid cells, but ignore obstacles and levees.
Make sure the embedded channel profile always lays partially below the DEM; embedded channels cannot ‘float’ above the DEM.
Embedded channels only function when they connect several 2D grid cells, so make sure no embedded channel falls completely inside one 2D grid cell
Do not place boundary conditions directly on embedded channels.
Calculation types ‘connected’ and ‘double connected’
For channels with calculation type ‘connected’ and ‘double connected’, 1D2D connections connect each 1D calculation point to the 2D cell it is in. Therefore, channels with these calculation types need to be in a 2D cell. Alternatively, you may use an Exchange line to customise the 1D2D connections. When using an exchange line, the channel does not need to be in 2D cells, but the exchange line needs to be in 2D cells.
Connection node
Location and ID of nodes to connect Channel, Culvert, Orifice, Weir, Pipe, Pumpstation (with end node), or Pumpstation (without end node) features. Manhole, 1D Lateral, and 1D Boundary Condition features are also defined at connection nodes. See Inflow objects for more information on how surfaces and impervious surfaces can be mapped to a connection node.
Attribute alias |
Field name |
Type |
Mandatory |
Units |
Description |
ID |
id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
Unique identifier |
Initial water level |
initial_waterlevel |
decimal number |
No |
m above datum |
Initial water level for the 1D domain |
Code |
code |
text |
No |
- |
Name field, no constraints |
Storage area |
storage_area |
decimal number |
No |
m² |
Adds additional storage capacity to a 1D network |
Notes for modellers
Connection nodes and calculation nodes
Connection nodes are not the same as calculation nodes. When 3Di generates the computational grid from the schematisation, a calculation node is created for each connection nodes, but additional 1D calculation nodes may also be created in between. See the Grid section for further details.
Initial water level
For calculation nodes that are added along the length of a channel, pipe, or culvert, initial water levels are linearly interpolated between connection nodes. See the Grid section for further details.
The intial water level is stored in the simulation template and is not part of the 3Di model itself. It can be overridden when starting a new simulation, without the need to create a new revision of the schematisation.
Storage area
Storage area on connection nodes is additional to the storage that is defined by the dimensions of channels, culverts and pipes. See Storage in the 1D domain for more details.
To calculate storage volume from the storage area, the height of the water column (water level minus bottom level) needs to be known. If a manhole is defined at the connection node, the manhole’s bottom level is used. Otherwise, the lowest bottom (reference level or invert level) of the channels, culverts or pipes that connect to the connection node is used.
For connection nodes that are not connected to channels, a storage area larger than zero is recommended.
If a manhole is defined on the connection node, the storage area must be larger than zero. Note that the manhole dimensions (shape, width, and length) are for administrative purposes only and are not used to calculate the storage during the simulation.
Connection nodes with large storage (i.e. the square root of the storage area is much larger than the width of the incoming channel) reduce the flow velocity and advective force.
Cross-section location
Object to define the dimensions, levels, friction and vegetation properties at a specified point along a Channel.
Attribute alias |
Field name |
Type |
Mandatory |
Units |
Description |
ID |
id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
Unique identifier |
Bank level |
bank_level |
decimal number |
Yes |
m MSL |
Exchange level for the 1D2D connections. Only used when calculation type is ‘connected’. |
Code |
code |
text |
No |
- |
Name field, no constraints |
Cross-section height |
cross_section_height |
decimal number |
m |
Height of the cross-section (only used for Closed rectangle cross-sections) |
Cross-section shape |
cross_section_shape |
decimal number |
Yes |
- |
Sets the cross-section shape, Cross-section shape |
Cross-section table |
cross_section_table |
text |
m |
CSV-style table of [height, width] or [Y, Z] pairs, see Cross-section shape |
Cross-section width |
cross_section_width |
decimal number |
m |
Width or diameter of the cross-section, see Cross-section shape |
Friction type |
friction_type |
decimal number |
Yes |
- |
See Friction type |
Friction value |
friction_value |
decimal number |
Yes |
m1/2/s (Chèzy) or s/m1/3 (Manning) |
Friction or roughness value. This global value is superseded in case friction values are provided for each individual segment of a YZ cross-section. |
Friction values |
friction_values |
text |
No |
m1/2/s (Chèzy) or s/m1/3 (Manning) |
Friction value for each segment of a YZ cross-section. List of decimal numbers, space-separated (in the Spatialite) or comma-separated (in the 3Di Schematisation Editor geopackage). If provided, these values override the single friction coefficient value. |
Reference level |
reference_level |
decimal number |
Yes |
m MSL |
Lowest point of the cross-section |
Vegetation height |
vegetation_height |
Decimal number |
Yes |
m |
Height of the vegetation, i.e. the length of the plant stems. This global value is superseded in case vegetation heights are provided for each individual segment of a YZ cross-section. |
Vegetation heights |
vegetation_heights |
text |
Yes |
m |
Vegetation heights for each segment of a YZ cross-section. List of decimal numbers, space-separated (in the Spatialite) or comma-separated (in the 3Di Schematisation Editor geopackage). If provided, these values override the single vegetation height value. |
Vegetation stem count |
vegetation_stem_count |
Integer |
Yes |
#/m2 |
Density of plant stems. List of decimal numbers, space-separated (in the Spatialite) or comma-separated (in the 3Di Schematisation Editor geopackage). This global value is superseded in case vegetation stem counts are provided for each individual segment of a YZ cross-section. |
Vegetation stem counts |
vegetation_stem_counts |
text |
Yes |
#/m2 |
Vegetation stem count for each segment of a YZ cross-section. List of decimal numbers, space-separated (in the Spatialite) or comma-separated (in the 3Di Schematisation Editor geopackage). If provided, these values override the single vegetation stem count value. |
Vegetation stem diameter |
vegetation_stem_diameter |
Decimal number |
Yes |
m |
Mean diameter of plant stems. List of decimal numbers, space-separated (in the Spatialite) or comma-separated (in the 3Di Schematisation Editor geopackage). This global value is superseded in case vegetation stem diameters are provided for each individual segment of a YZ cross-section. |
Vegetation stem diameters |
vegetation_stem_diameters |
text |
Yes |
m |
Vegetation stem diameter for each segment of a YZ cross-section. List of decimal numbers, space-separated (in the Spatialite) or comma-separated (in the 3Di Schematisation Editor geopackage). If provided, these values override the single vegetation stem diameter value. |
Vegetation drag coefficient |
vegetation_drag_coefficient |
Decimal number |
Yes |
- |
Coefficient to linearly scale the drag that vegetation exerts on the water. The drag resulting from vegetation is different for each situation. A large share of this variation is captured by choosing the correct values for vegetation height, stem count, and stem diameter. The drag coefficient can be used to account for the other factors that affect the drag. The drag coefficient can also be used as a calibration parameter. This global value is superseded in case vegetation drag coefficients are provided for each individual segment of a YZ cross-section. |
Vegetation drag coefficients |
vegetation_drag_coefficients |
text |
Yes |
- |
Vegetation drag coefficient for each segment of a YZ cross-section. List of decimal numbers, space-separated (in the Spatialite) or comma-separated (in the 3Di Schematisation Editor geopackage). If provided, these values override the single vegetation drag coefficient value. |
Notes for modellers
A cross-section location should be placed on top of a channel vertex that is not the start or end vertex
If the channel calculation point distance is smaller than the distance between cross section locations, values in the cross section locations along the channel are interpolated, see Calculation point distance.
If there are multiple cross-section locations between two calculation nodes (not connection nodes), only the first cross-section location is used.
For YZ cross-sections, friction coefficients and vegetation parameters can be defined for each individual segment of the cross-section. A segment is defined as the domain between two YZ coordinates; so if the YZ cross-section is defined by 10 YZ coordinates, the cross-section will have 9 segments. This option is only available when using friction types Manning with conveyance or Chézy with conveyance.
When separate values are defined for each segment, the single value will be ignored.
For vegetation, either all parameter values must be defined as a single value, or all parameter values must be defined for each segment.
For the cross-section shapes Tabulated rectangle, Tabulated trapezium and YZ, the cross-section shape can be added or edited in the cross-section location attribute table. In the form view, this can be done by filling out the table. In the table view, a CSV-style table can be pasted into the cross_section_table field.
Reference level
This is the bed level of the channel and the reference level for the cross-section. For example, if the reference level is 12.0 m MSL and the cross-section a tabulated rectangle with a width of 5 m at height 0, this means that the channel is 5 m wide at 12.0 m MSL.
Cross-section shape
The following shapes are supported:
Shape |
Value |
Instructions |
Closed rectangle |
0 |
Specify cross-section height and cross-section width |
Open rectangle |
1 |
Specify cross-section width |
Circle |
2 |
Specify cross-section width (i.e., diameter) |
Egg |
3 |
Specify cross-section width. Height will be 1.5 * width. |
Tabulated rectangle |
5 |
Fill cross-section table as CSV-style table of height, width pairs |
Tabulated trapezium |
6 |
Fill cross-section table as CSV-style table of height, width pairs |
YZ |
7 |
Fill cross-section table as CSV-style table of Y, Z pairs |
Inverted egg |
8 |
Specify cross-section width. Height will be 1.5 * width. |
Friction type
This attribute sets the friction type to:
Chézy (1)
Manning (2)
Chézy with conveyance (3)
Manning with conveyance (4)
Using the friction types with conveyance is advised for open Tabulated or YZ cross-sections, in case there is a significant variation of the water depths across the cross-section, for instance, in a scenario with overflowing floodplains.
Culverts are used to schematise pipes in open water systems.
In contrast to an Orifice, the flow behaviour in a culvert is assumed to be determined by shape and much less dominated by entrance losses. Culverts can be used for longer sections of pipe-like structures and do not have to be straight. Shorter, straight culverts are best schematised as an Orifice.
Linestring (two or more vertices)
Attribute alias |
Field name |
Type |
Mandatory |
Units |
Description |
ID |
id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
Unique identifier |
Calculation type |
calculation_type |
integer |
Yes |
- |
Sets the 1D2D exchange type: embedded (100), isolated (101), connected (102), or double connected (105). See Calculation types. |
Code |
code |
text |
No |
- |
Name field, no constraints |
Cross-section height |
cross_section_height |
decimal number |
m |
Height of the cross-section (only used for Closed rectangle cross-sections) |
Cross-section shape |
cross_section_shape |
decimal number |
Yes |
integer |
Sets the cross-section shape, Cross-section shape |
Cross-section table |
cross_section_table |
text |
m |
CSV-style table of [height, width] or [Y, Z] pairs, see Cross-section shape |
Cross-section width |
cross_section_width |
decimal number |
integer |
Width or diameter of the cross-section, see Cross-section shape |
Display name |
display_name |
text |
No |
- |
Name field, no constraints |
Distance between calculation points |
dist_calc_points |
decimal number |
No |
m |
Maximum distance between calculation points, see Calculation point distance |
End connection node ID |
connection_node_end_id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
ID of end connection node |
End invert level |
invert_level_end_point |
decimal number |
Yes |
m MSL |
Level of lowest point on the inside at the end of the culvert |
Friction type |
friction_type |
decimal number |
Yes |
- |
Sets the friction type to Chézy (1) or Manning (2) |
Friction value |
friction_value |
decimal number |
Yes |
m1/2/s (Chèzy) or s/m1/3 (Manning) |
Friction or roughness value |
Start connection node ID |
connection_node_start_id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
ID of start connection node |
Start invert level |
invert_level_start_point |
decimal number |
Yes |
m MSL |
Level of lowest point on the inside at the start of the pipe |
Zoom category |
zoom_category |
integer |
No |
- |
Deprecated |
When using the 3Di Schematisation Editor
The connection nodes are added automatically
Notes for modellers
The cross-section describes the inside of the culvert. If you only know the outer dimensions, you have to discount the wall thickness.
Discharge coefficients
The discharge is multiplied by this value. The energy loss caused by the change in flow velocity at the entrance and exit are accounted for by 3Di. The discharge coefficients can be used to account for any additional energy loss. ‘Positive’ applies to flow in the drawing direction of the structure (from start node to end node); ‘negative’ applies to flow in the opposite direction.
Manholes are used to explicitly define the calculation type, bottom level, and/or 1D2D exchange level at the location of a connection node. In sewer models, they are commonly used to schematise inspection manholes, pumping station reservoirs and outlets. Manholes can also be used in open water systems, when you want to to explicitly set the calculation type, bottom level or 1D2D exchange level at a specific location.
Attribute alias |
Field name |
Type |
Mandatory |
Units |
Description |
ID |
id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
Unique identifier |
Display name |
display_name |
text |
No |
- |
Name field, no constraints |
Bottom level |
bottom_level |
decimal number |
Yes |
m MSL |
Manhole bottom level |
Calculation type |
calculation_type |
integer |
Yes |
- |
Sets the type of 1D2D exchange: embedded (0), isolated (1), or connected (2). See Calculation types. |
Code |
code |
text |
No |
- |
Name field, no constraints |
Connection node ID |
id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
ID of connection node on which manhole is placed |
Drain level |
drain_level |
decimal number |
No |
m MSL |
Exchange level for the 1D2D connection. See Notes for modellers. |
Length |
length |
decimal number |
No |
m |
Horizontal length of the manhole (not used in the calculation) |
Manhole indicator |
manhole_indicator |
integer |
Yes |
m MSL |
Defines the type of the manhole: inspection (0), outlet (1), or pumping station (2) |
Shape |
shape |
text |
No |
- |
Shape of the manhole in the horizontal plane (not used in the calculation): square (00), round (01), or rectangle (02) |
Surface level |
surface_level |
decimal number |
No |
m MSL |
Top of the manhole, e.g. street level (not used in the calculation). |
Width |
width |
decimal number |
No |
m |
Horizontal width of the manhole (not used in the calculation) |
Zoom category |
zoom_category |
integer |
No |
- |
Deprecated |
Exchange thickness |
exchange_thickness |
decimal number |
No |
m |
The thickness of the (porous) manhole wall that the water needs to flow through to reach the groundwater (or v.v.), see Exchange between 1D and groundwater |
Hydraulic conductivity in |
hydraulic_conductivity_in |
decimal number |
No |
- |
Hydraulic conductivity for water flowing from the groundwater into the manhole, see Exchange between 1D and groundwater |
Hydraulic conductivity out |
hydraulic_conductivity_out |
decimal number |
No |
- |
Hydraulic conductivity for water flowing from the manhole into the groundwater, see Exchange between 1D and groundwater |
Notes for modellers
Connection nodes for which a manhole is defined, must have a storage area larger than zero.
Only one manhole can be defined for each connection node.
Drain level
Water can flow from the 1D domain to the 2D domain if the 1D water level exceeds the drain level (and vice versa).
In 1D-2D models, this setting only applies to manholes with calculation type ‘connected’
In 1D-only models, the drain level is used as the street level, above which the storage area widens to the “manhole storage area” value specified in the global settings.
If the drain level is not filled in, 3Di will use the DEM value at the location of the manhole, or, in case of 1D-only models, the highest top of the pipes starting or ending at this manhole.
In 1D-2D models, the 1D-2D exchange level is the maximum of the manhole drain level and the 2D cell’s bottom level. See the figures below for an illustration of this.
Drain level above lowest pixel in the 2D cell

Fig. 28 Manhole with a drain level below the 2D cell’s lowest pixel. The 1D2D exchange level that is used in the simulation equals the 2D cell’s bottom level.
Drain level below lowest pixel in the 2D cell

Fig. 29 Manhole with a drain level above the 2D cell’s lowest pixel. The 1D2D exchange level that is used in the simulation equals the manhole drain level.
Shape, width and length
These values describe the shape of the manhole in the horizontal plane (i.e. the manhole bottom). They are for administrative purposes only and do not affect the storage area of the connection node. These values are not used by 3Di.
Manhole indicator
This value is used for administrative and visualisation purposes only. It does not affect the calculation.
Surface level
This value is used for administrative purposes only. It does not affect the calculation
Groundwater exchange
To let the manhole exchange with groundwater, specify the Exchange thickness, Hydraulic conductivity in, and Hydraulic conductivity out. This is independent from the calculation type (embedded/isolated/connected), so you can also schematise a manhole that does not exchange with the surface water domain (calculation type is isolated), but does exchange with the groundwater domain.
Pumpstation (without end node)
Pumpstation that pumps water out of the model domain. This can be used, for example, to simulate a final pumpstation that pumps the water to a sewage treatment plant that is outside of the model domain. See Pumps for details on how pumping stations work in 3Di.
If you want the pumpstation to pump the water to another location within the model, use Pumpstation (with end node)
Attribute alias |
Field name |
Type |
Mandatory |
Units |
Description |
ID |
id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
Unique identifier |
Capacity |
capacity |
decimal number |
Yes |
L/s |
Pump capacity |
Code |
code |
text |
No |
- |
Name field, no constraints |
Connection node ID |
connection_node_id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
ID of connection node on which the pumpstation is placed |
Display name |
display_name |
text |
No |
- |
Name field, no constraints |
Lower stop level |
lower_stop_level |
decimal number |
Yes |
m MSL |
Pump switches off when the water level becomes lower than this level |
Sewerage |
sewerage |
boolean |
Yes |
- |
Indicates if the pumpstation is part of the sewerage system (True) or not (False) |
Start level |
start_level |
decimal number |
Yes |
m MSL |
Pump switches on when the water level exceeds this level |
Type |
type |
integer |
Yes |
- |
Sets whether pump reacts to water level at: suction side (1) or delivery side (2) |
Upper stop level |
upper_stop_level |
decimal number |
Yes |
m MSL |
Pump switches off when the water level exceeds this level |
Zoom category |
zoom_category |
integer |
No |
- |
Deprecated |
Notes for modellers
Multiple pumpstations may be defined for the same connection node. If their active ranges (start/stop level) overlap, they may pump at the same time.
Pumpstation (with end node)
Pumpstation that transports water from one connection node to another. See Pumps for details on how pumping stations work in 3Di. If you want the pumpstation to pump the water out of the model, use Pumpstation (without end node). You do not need to use a 1D boundary condition for this.
Linestring (exactly two vertices)
Attribute alias |
Field name |
Type |
Mandatory |
Units |
Description |
ID |
id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
Unique identifier |
Capacity |
capacity |
decimal number |
Yes |
L/s |
Pump capacity |
Code |
code |
text |
No |
- |
Name field, no constraints |
Display name |
display_name |
text |
No |
- |
Name field, no constraints |
End connection node ID |
connection_node_end_id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
ID of connection node to which the water is pumped |
Lower stop level |
lower_stop_level |
decimal number |
Yes |
m MSL |
Pump switches off when the water level becomes lower than this level |
Sewerage |
sewerage |
boolean |
Yes |
- |
Indicates if the pumpstation is part of the sewerage system (True) or not (False) |
Start connection node ID |
connection_node_start_id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
ID of connection node from which the water is pumped |
Start level |
start_level |
decimal number |
Yes |
m MSL |
Pump switches on when the water level exceeds this level |
Type |
type |
integer |
Yes |
- |
Sets whether pump reacts to water level at: suction side (1) or delivery side (2) |
Upper stop level |
upper_stop_level |
decimal number |
Yes |
m MSL |
Pump switches off when the water level exceeds this level |
Zoom category |
zoom_category |
integer |
No |
- |
Deprecated |
Notes for modellers
Multiple pumpstations may be defined for the same connection node. If their active ranges (start/stop level) overlap, they may pump at the same time.
An orifice can be used to schematise hydraulic structures like gates, bridges, or culverts. It can be used in open water systems as well as in sewerage systems.
An orifice is commonly used to schematise structures that are closed at the top of the cross-section, whereas the Weir is commonly used for structures that are open at the top. However, both types of cross-sections can be used for either structure, and 3Di uses them in the calculation in the same way. See Weirs and Orifices for further details.
Linestring (exactly two vertices)
Attribute alias |
Field name |
Type |
Mandatory |
Units |
Description |
ID |
id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
Unique identifier |
Code |
code |
text |
No |
- |
Name field, no constraints |
Crest level |
crest_level |
decimal number |
Yes |
m MSL |
Lowest point of the cross-section. |
Crest type |
crest_type |
integer |
Yes |
- |
Sets the crest type: broad-crested (3) or short-crested (4) |
Cross-section height |
cross_section_height |
decimal number |
m |
Height of the cross-section (only used for Closed rectangle cross-sections) |
Cross-section shape |
cross_section_shape |
decimal number |
Yes |
- |
Sets the cross-section shape, Cross-section shape |
Cross-section table |
cross_section_table |
text |
m |
CSV-style table of [height, width] or [Y, Z] pairs, see Cross-section shape |
Cross-section width |
cross_section_width |
decimal number |
m |
Width or diameter of the cross-section, see Cross-section shape |
Discharge coefficient negative |
discharge_coefficient_negative |
decimal_number |
Yes |
- |
Discharge in the negative direction is multiplied by this value |
Discharge coefficient positive |
discharge_coefficient_positive |
decimal_number |
Yes |
- |
Discharge in the positive direction is multiplied by this value |
Display name |
display_name |
text |
No |
- |
Name field, no constraints |
End connection node ID |
connection_node_end_id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
ID of connection node to which the water is pumped |
Friction type |
friction_type |
decimal number |
Yes |
- |
Sets the friction type to Chézy (1) or Manning (2) |
Friction value |
friction_value |
decimal number |
Yes |
m1/2/s (Chèzy) or s/m1/3 (Manning) |
Friction or roughness value |
Sewerage |
sewerage |
boolean |
Yes |
- |
Indicates if the structure is part of the sewerage system (True) or not (False) |
Start connection node ID |
connection_node_start_id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
ID of the start connection node |
Zoom category |
zoom_category |
integer |
No |
- |
Deprecated |
When using the 3Di Schematisation Editor
The connection nodes are added automatically
Notes for modellers
In the computational grid, an orifice will always be represented by a single flowline. Therefore, orifices do not have a calculation point distance and calculation type. The calculation type of the start and end nodes is determined by the channels, culverts, manholes, and pipes connected to them.
Crest level
This is the reference level for the cross-section. For example, if the crest level is 12.0 m and the cross-section a circle with a diameter of 0.5 m, the opening will start at 12.0 m and end at 12.5 m
Discharge coefficients
The discharge is multiplied by this value. The energy loss caused by the change in flow velocity at the entrance and exit are accounted for by 3Di. The discharge coefficients can be used to account for any additional energy loss. ‘Positive’ applies to flow in the drawing direction of the structure (from start node to end node); ‘negative’ applies to flow in the opposite direction.
Pipe in a sewerage system.
Linestring (exactly two vertices)
Attribute alias |
Field name |
Type |
Mandatory |
Units |
Description |
ID |
id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
Unique identifier |
Calculation type |
calculation_type |
integer |
Yes |
- |
Sets the 1D2D exchange type: embedded (0), isolated (1), or connected (2). See Calculation types. |
Code |
code |
text |
No |
- |
Name field, no constraints |
Cross-section height |
cross_section_height |
decimal number |
m |
Height of the cross-section (only used for Closed rectangle cross-sections) |
Cross-section shape |
cross_section_shape |
decimal number |
Yes |
integer |
Sets the cross-section shape, Cross-section shape |
Cross-section table |
cross_section_table |
text |
m |
CSV-style table of [height, width] or [Y, Z] pairs, see Cross-section shape |
Cross-section width |
cross_section_width |
decimal number |
integer |
Width or diameter of the cross-section, see Cross-section shape |
Display name |
display_name |
text |
No |
- |
Name field, no constraints |
Distance between calculation points |
dist_calc_points |
decimal number |
No |
m |
Maximum distance between calculation points, see Calculation point distance |
End connection node ID |
connection_node_end_id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
ID of end connection node |
End invert level |
invert_level_end_point |
decimal number |
Yes |
m MSL |
Level of lowest point on the inside at the end of the pipe |
Friction type |
friction_type |
decimal number |
Yes |
- |
Sets the friction type to Chézy (1) or Manning (2) |
Friction value |
friction_value |
decimal number |
Yes |
m1/2/s (Chèzy) or s/m1/3 (Manning) |
Friction or roughness value |
Sewerage |
sewerage |
boolean |
Yes |
- |
Indicates if the pumpstation is part of the sewerage system (True) or not (False) |
Start connection node ID |
connection_node_start_id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
ID of start connection node |
Start invert level |
invert_level_start_point |
decimal number |
Yes |
m MSL |
Level of lowest point on the inside at the start of the pipe |
Material |
material |
integer |
No |
- |
Pipe wall material, not used in the calculation. See Notes for modellers. |
Sewerage type |
sewerage_type |
integer |
Yes |
- |
Function of the pipe in the sewerage system. Used for visualisation and administrative purposes only. See Notes for modellers. |
Zoom category |
zoom_category |
integer |
No |
- |
Deprecated |
Exchange thickness |
exchange_thickness |
decimal number |
No |
m |
The thickness of the (porous) pipe wall that the water needs to flow through to reach the groundwater (or v.v.), see Exchange between 1D and groundwater |
Hydraulic conductivity in |
hydraulic_conductivity_in |
decimal number |
No |
- |
Hydraulic conductivity for water flowing from the groundwater into the pipe, see Exchange between 1D and groundwater |
Hydraulic conductivity out |
hydraulic_conductivity_out |
decimal number |
No |
- |
Hydraulic conductivity for water flowing from the pipe to the groundwater, see Exchange between 1D and groundwater |
When using the 3Di Schematisation Editor
The connection nodes and manholes will be added automatically.
To draw a single pipe, the geometry must have exactly 2 vertices. A line with more than 2 vertices will be split into several pipes.
To digitize a trajectory of multiple pipes, first digitize the manholes, fill in the bottom levels, and then draw the pipe trajectory over these manholes by adding a vertex at each of the manholes. The pipes that are generated will use the manhole’s bottom levels as invert levels and the connection nodes and manholes will be added automatically.
Notes for modellers
The cross-section describes the inside of the pipe. If you only know the outer dimensions, you have to discount the wall thickness.
Adding a pipe trajectory
When you digitize (draw) a pipe feature with more than two vertices, each vertex will be converted into a connection node plus manhole, connected by pipes. If you digitize a pipe that connects existing manholes, the pipe(s) will use the manholes’ bottom levels as their invert levels and automatically refer to the correct the connection nodes. Therefore, the quickest way to digitize a trajectory of multiple pipes is to first digitize the manholes, fill in the bottom levels, and then draw the pipe trajectory over these manholes by adding a vertex at each of the manholes.
The material is not used in the calculation, but can be used to estimate the friction value. The processing algorithm “Guess Indicators” recognizes the following values: 0: concrete; 1: pvc; 2: gres; 3: cast iron; 4: brickwork; 5: HPE; 6: HDPE; 7: plate iron; 8: steel.
Sewerage type
The following types are supported: - Combined sewer (0) - Storm drain (1) - Sanitary sewer (2) - Transport (3) - Spillway (4) - Syphon (5) - Storage (6) - Storage and settlement tank (7)
Groundwater exchange
To let the pipe exchange with groundwater, specify the Exchange thickness, Hydraulic conductivity in, and Hydraulic conductivity out. This is independent from the calculation type (embedded/isolated/connected), so you can also schematise a pipe that does not exchange with the surface water domain (calculation type is isolated), but does exchange with the groundwater domain.
Overflow structure, used to control the water level. It can be used in open water systems as well as sewerage systems.
A weir is commonly used to schematise structures with open cross sections, whereas the Orifice is commonly used for structures that are closed at the top. However, both types of cross-sections can be used for either structure, and 3Di uses them in the calculation in the same way. See Weirs and Orifices for further details.
Linestring (exactly two vertices)
Attribute alias |
Field name |
Type |
Mandatory |
Units |
Description |
ID |
id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
Unique identifier |
Code |
code |
text |
No |
- |
Name field, no constraints |
Crest level |
crest_level |
decimal number |
Yes |
m MSL |
Lowest point of the cross-section. |
Crest type |
crest_type |
integer |
Yes |
- |
Sets the crest type: broad-crested (3) or short-crested (4) |
Cross-section height |
cross_section_height |
decimal number |
m |
Height of the cross-section (only used for Closed rectangle cross-sections) |
Cross-section shape |
cross_section_shape |
decimal number |
Yes |
- |
Sets the cross-section shape, Cross-section shape |
Cross-section table |
cross_section_table |
text |
m |
CSV-style table of [height, width] or [Y, Z] pairs, see Cross-section shape |
Cross-section width |
cross_section_width |
decimal number |
m |
Width or diameter of the cross-section, see Cross-section shape |
Discharge coefficient negative |
discharge_coefficient_negative |
decimal_number |
Yes |
- |
Discharge in the negative direction is multiplied by this value |
Discharge coefficient positive |
discharge_coefficient_positive |
decimal_number |
Yes |
- |
Discharge in the positive direction is multiplied by this value |
Display name |
display_name |
text |
No |
- |
Name field, no constraints |
End connection node ID |
connection_node_end_id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
ID of connection node to which the water is pumped |
Friction type |
friction_type |
decimal number |
Yes |
- |
Sets the friction type to Chézy (1) or Manning (2) |
Friction value |
friction_value |
decimal number |
Yes |
m1/2/s (Chèzy) or s/m1/3 (Manning) |
Friction or roughness value |
Sewerage |
sewerage |
boolean |
Yes |
- |
Indicates if the structure is part of the sewerage system (True) or not (False) |
Start connection node ID |
connection_node_start_id |
integer |
Yes |
- |
ID of the start connection node |
Zoom category |
zoom_category |
integer |
No |
- |
Deprecated |
Notes for the modeller
In the computational grid, a weir will always be represented by a single flowline. Therefore, weirs do not have a calculation point distance and calculation type. The calculation type of the start and end nodes is determined by the channels, culverts, manholes, and pipes connected to them.
Crest level
This is the reference level for the cross-section. For example, if the crest level is 12.0 m and the cross-section a circle with a diameter of 0.5 m, the opening will start at 12.0 m and end at 12.5 m
Discharge coefficients
The discharge is multiplied by this value. The energy loss caused by the change in flow velocity at the entrance and exit are accounted for by 3Di. The discharge coefficients can be used to account for any additional energy loss. ‘Positive’ applies to flow in the drawing direction of the structure (from start node to end node); ‘negative’ applies to flow in the opposite direction.