3Di Management
October 22, 2024
We have released a new version of 3Di Management, with several small new features and a bugfix:
Show tags and “projects” in simulation detail page (#1741)
Inherit simulation templates from previous 3Di model (#1604)
Download button for “File” events, such as file laterals, file boundary conditions, etc. (#1793)
Bugfix: Visual of rainfall sometimes did not show any rain when it should (#1769)
March 26th, 2024
Simulation overview: initial substance concentrations are now listed under “Predefined simulation data” (#1557)
A timer has been added to “Delete schematisation” so it is harder to accidentally delete a schematisation (#1618)
Simulation detail page: the “Save as Template” button has been moved from Events to main section (#1516)
Bugfix: Initial (ground)water level rasters were not listed under schematisation revision rasters in some cases (#1600)
Bugfix: Simulation overview on schematisation detail page had “Invalid date” for all simulations (#1597)
January 11, 2024
Search and filter options were added to the 3Di models overview (#1382)
The filters that are set on pages that list models, schematisations, or simulations are now also applied when using “Export to Excel” (1184)
On the simulation overview page, all initials and events are listed (#1327)
You can now search for simulations by simulation ID (#239)
Include organisation in 3Di Management URLs, so that it is easier to share URLs (#1451)
The user interface for “add tags” has been improved (#1504)
Bugfix: Visualise negative laterals correctly on the simulation detail page (#1389)
Bugfix: “Run on 3Di Live” uses the wrong template is multiple templates are available for the 3Di model (#1329)
Bugfix: Revision nr. column now correctly displays revision numbers > 99 (#1417)
Bugfix: Wind events were not visualised correctly for long simulations in some cases (#934)
October 18, 2023
The simulation overview page now shows which post-processing options have been used (#814)
You can now post-process results in Lizard for finished simulations. This option can be used if no post-processing for this simulation has been done and the raw results are still available, i.e., within 7 days after the simulation was finished. (#835, #1249, #1160)
The “Export to Excel” option for Simulations and 3Di Models now downloads all items, not just the ones that are shown on the page (#1040)
Simulations can now be removed from the queue (#780)
If you do not have management rights, the Users button is disabled; it will now show a list of users in your organisation that have management rights when hovering over it (#852)
You can now select multiple 3Di models, schematisations, and/or revisions and delete them all at once, including in the Choose other revision window on the schematisation detail page (#815, #1228)
Schematisations can be moved to a different organisation, if you have Creator or Manager rights for the organisation that currently owns the schematisation and the organisation to which you want to transfer it (#234)
Multiple improvements were made to the 3Di model overview, especially for organisations with more than 250 3Di models (#231, #227)
The simulation ID is now shown in the simulations overview (#233)
Bugfix: Links in queued simulations list were wrong, this has been fixed (#781)
Bugfix: Schematisation detail page: not all info was updated when switching to another revision (#1158)
September 21, 2023
Redesign of the Schematisation details page (#741) - Schematisation name can be edited - Schematisations now have a Description, which can be edited. Note: in the near future, you will also be able add a schematisation-level description when creating a schematisation in the 3Di Modeller Interface. - Commit message can be edited - Tags can be edited - 3Di model names can be edited - Simulation template names can be edited
It has become easier to delete revisions and schematisations. When a revision is deleted, its 3Di Model is also automatically deleted. When a schematisation is deleted, its revisions are also automatically deleted.
Added “Delete schematisation” button in the schematisation section. This deletes the schematisation, which cascades to deletion of its revisions and 3Di models.
Make simulation name editable on simulation detail page (#792)
Schematisation revision detail page: show available saved states (#855)
Simulation overview page - forcings: show two decimals (#813)
Filter live statuses by organisation (#935)
Export to Excel file on the Simulations and 3Di Models overview pages now exports all items instead of only the listed items. #1040
Bugfix: “Has 3Di Model” column not updated after model deletion (#686)
June 18th 2023
User management is now available on 3Di management if you have Manager rights
Vegetation rasters are now included in schematisation revision overview
Add time zone (UTC offset) when listing start or end datetime of simulation
“Export to Excel file” button on schematisations page now downloads all schematisation names, and shows a modal with a progress bar
Schematisation detail page: Disable “run in 3Di Live” option if 3Di Live is not part of contract
Schematisation list no longer shows schematisations that have no revisions, unless you explicitly choose this option
Bugfix: On the schematisation revision detail page, Some raster download links did not work
Bugfix: On the schematisation revision detail page, “Predefined simulation data” section had wrong contents
Bugfix: On the schematisation revision detail page, rasters where only listed after a 3Di model had been created
March 20th 2022
improved placement of data, using the correct definition of schematisation, simulation and model
show current number of license and how many are in use
show max allowed number of models
show an error message when a simulation template fails to be created
removed graphs from levee element
November 21th 2022
See the complete commit message in the revision overview when hovering
This overview now also shows for which revisions a 3Di model is available

When clicking on a simulation template, the link now is directed to the details page of the simulation where the template was based upon. Showing the events in the simulation template.
Added a save as template button to simulations detail page

Shows queued simulations:

Regenerating a model that is active now gives a clear error message

If a project tag is added to a simulation it will be shown
February 2022 (Klondike) v2
Fixed a bug where the models map page stayed empty if there were no models
Fixed a bug where a schematisation that has no revisions yet showed an empty page
Add information about the current framework version, so the user knows if the current 3Di model is up to date
Show model id as well as name on the models list page
The gridadmin.h5 file can now be downloaded from the model detail page as well as from the simulation results download
Simulation templates can now also be deleted
The information on the models list page can be exported as an Excel file
Generating a model can fail if the schematisation already has the maximum number; show an error message if this happens.
Add a column for ‘latest revision’ to the Schematisations table.
Instead of subpages, now everything is reachable from the front page
February 2022 (Klondike)
3Di Management has been extended with a Models section. In this Models section users can:
For 3Di Models
See an overview of Models in a list
See an overview of Models in the map
Per Model a detailed page is available including the location on the map, size of the Model.
Per Model is an option to run the simulation on 3Di Live
On the detailed Model page there is an option to run the simulation on 3Di Live
On the detailed Model page there is an option to delete the model
On the detailed Model page there is an option to re-generate the model from the schematisation
A history of simulations performed with the 3Di Model
An overview of available simulation templates. By default 1 simulation template is available for every Model. This is generated based on the spatialite. The name of the simulation template is the name in the v2_global_settings table.
For schematisations users can:
See all available schematisations in a list.
See past revisions of a schematisation
Generate a 3Di Model from a schematisation or re-generate an existing model from the schematisation. Keep in mind that doing so will remove additionally generated templates