3Di Models & Simulations API

Our REST API allows scripts and software applications to interact with all 3Di online resources and services.

This gives you a lot of flexibility to your modelling applications and can save you lots of manual work and time. Some examples of applications of the API are:

  • Batch simulations: run simulations with hundreds of different rain events.

  • Automated test runs, results checks and adjustments to a model before running another simulation.

  • Run 3Di in an operational system, such as a Flood Early Warning System.

  • Use Jupyter Notebooks to run, download and analyze your 3Di simulations.

  • Design your own control for weirs or other structures.

See the separate 3Di API documentation for more details.

Using the 3Di API from Python is easy using threedi-api-client.

An overview of the endpoints (and their documentation) can be found on the Swagger page.

Additional example scripts can be found in here.