.. _mi_download_res: Downloading results ==================== There are two options for downloading simulation results: - :ref:`dl_via_models_simulations`, within 7 days - :ref:`dl_via_lizard_plugin`, if your subscription includes the Scenario Archive .. _dl_via_models_simulations: Download via 3Di Models and Simulations panel --------------------------------------------- Simulation results can be downloaded using the :ref:`models_simulation_panel`. To download results: #) Activate the *3Di Models and Simulation panel* by clicking the pictogram (|modelsSimulations|) in the toolbar. #) Click the *Results* icon (|download_results|). #) Select the results you want to download and click *Download*. The results will be downloaded to your local 3Di working directory, so that you can find them easily when loading them via the :ref:`3Di Resuls Manager<3di_results_manager>` The files that are downloaded in this way are the :ref:`Raw results`. To download automatically post-processed results, such as maximum water depth rasters, see :ref:`dl_via_lizard_plugin`. .. note:: Results are only available for download from the 3Di Models and Simulations panel for 7 days after a simulation has finished. .. |modelsSimulations| image:: /image/pictogram_modelsandsimulations.png :scale: 90% .. |download_results| image:: /image/pictogram_download_results.png :scale: 60% .. _dl_via_lizard_plugin: Download via the Lizard plugin ------------------------------ If you have stored simulation results in the :ref:`scenario_archive`, you can download them using the `Lizard plugin `_. Instructions for storing simulation results in the Scenario Archive can be found here: - In the 3Di Modeller Interface, see :ref:`this section` - In 3Di Live, see :ref:`this section` - If you have already run a simulation, find it on :ref:`threedi_management` and post-process the results. Note that this last option is only available within 7 days after you have run the simulation. .. note:: This option is only available if your subscription includes the Scenario Archive.