.. _1d2d_objects: 1D2D Objects ============ 1D2D objects allow for an :ref:`exchange <1d2d_exchange>` between :ref:`1d_objects` and the :ref:`2D domain <2d_objects>`. There are two 1D2D objects in 3Di models: * :ref:`exchange_line` * :ref:`potential_breach` .. _exchange_line: Exchange line ------------- Line that determines which 2D cells the calculation points of a :ref:`Channel` connect to. A 1D2D connection is created from each calculation point on the Channel to the cell in which the closest point on the Exchange line is located. Applies only to channels with :ref:`calculation_types` 'connected' or 'double connected'. Geometry ^^^^^^^^ Line Attributes ^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: 1D2D Exchange line attributes :widths: 6 4 4 2 4 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Attribute alias - Field name - Type - Mandatory - Units - Description * - ID - id - integer - Yes - \- - Unique identifier * - Code - code - text - No - \- - Name field, no constraints * - Exchange level [m MSL] - exchange_level - decimal number - Yes - m MSL - Exchange level for the 1D2D connections. Only used when calculation * - Channel ID - channel_id - integer - Yes - \- - ID of the channel \ \ .. _potential_breach: Potential breach ---------------- Line drawn from a Channel to a 2D cell, to create a potential breach location. At these locations, the 1D2D connection can be :ref:`breached` during the simulation. Geometry ^^^^^^^^ Line Attributes ^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: 1D2D Potential breach attributes :widths: 6 4 4 2 4 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Attribute alias - Field name - Type - Mandatory - Units - Description * - ID - id - integer - Yes - \- - Unique identifier * - Code - code - text - No - \- - Name field, no constraints * - Display name - display_name - text - No - \- - Name field, no constraints * - Exchange level [m MSL] - exchange_level - decimal number - Yes - m MSL - Exchange level for the 1D2D connections. Only used when calculation type is 'connected'. * - Max breach depth [m] - maximum_breach_depth - decimal number - No - m - Maximum depth of the breach, in m below the exchange level. * - Levee material - levee_material - text - No - \- - Set the material of the levee: sand or clay * - Channel ID - channel_id - integer - Yes - \- - ID of the channel